Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Thursday Skinnie Dipping Teeze!

We wure so eggsited when owr grandma sent us an email entitled "Skinnie Dipping". Then we reealized owr grandma sending us "skinnie dipping" kittie pickturs duesnt make sense. We opuned it and had quite a surprise...A skinnie dipping GREEN FEV-VUR!

Owr lady told us that grandma has a green fev-vur and she luvs it just like owr lady luvs us. Can yoo believe it!?!?!
Here are more pickturs of the green fev-vur skinnie dipping.

All we can say is yummy!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Widebody Wednesday & Tuff A** Tortie Day!

Rolling up in a cirkular position to aksentuate my curves. -Cheeto
It may appear to some that I'm yawning at the feetsball game, but I'm reely ROARING to show off my tuff A** Tortie pose on behalf of KC. -Rosie

Monday, November 27, 2006

Luk what I won!!! Thanks, Mrs. B, Bubbles and the lady!!

Deer Mrs. B, Bubbles and yer lady:
I was so happie when I won yer awesome contest. Just when I thawt I culdnt be any happier a package showed up...
I immediately ran to the play cube whare I attacked my lady's foots and Rosie when thay got neer me.
Then I noticed the othur stuff in the box: the catnip fishie (Rosie wont let it owt of hur site), the "two B's luv Cheeto" magnent (how wondurful!), temp-tayshuns (We Luv temp-tay-shuns), the fore yummy premo cat fud cans (Fud is the way to my hart) and...

Of corse, my favorute guddie of all....the beeeutiful picktur of yoo, Mrs. B **mraw, mraw**
Thank yoo, thank yoo, thank yoo!
Sin-cear-a-lie Yers,

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Cupple of things…

We want to keep yoo updated on the various bloggosphere item. This is just a snippet of the cul things going on!

Éclair has hur furst contest and its an amazing art contest. Yer lady an artest!?!?! Owrs isn’t either, but it duesn’t mattur. Join in the fun.

Wanna become a woofies “peep”?!? We don’t know what “peep” meens but owr lady says it’s a gud thing eggspeshalie casue it’s a woofie. Owr new frend Shadow
reely likes cats (as frends). Stop by and tell him HI!

Who do I purr abowt at nite? He’s a dreemie, widebody, orange and white handsum fellow. Stop by and tell Eric how cute I am! –Rosie

KC and Libby are up and on cuddle patrol. Just a few days ago bowth of them were fighting fur thare lives. Amazing what purrs and headbutts will do. Yeaaa!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Luk for the three amigos!!

Owr lady went to celebrate thanksgiving in Dubbl-in. We asked hur if that ment thare were going to be two of hur when she got back....she said no. *sigh*

But get this, we luked up whare dubbl-in is and its RITE NEXT to the "Valley", whare one of owr best friends, Skeezix lives!!!

Since Skeezix is gone we made sure to give owr lady some of owr turkey and giblets to give to the three amigos in the Valley (Mao, Rocky and Trip). We don’t know if owr lady saw them on hur travels to Dubbl-in but if so, enjoy the turkie and giblets boyz!

UPDATE: Owr lady did not see Mao, Rocky and Trip while she was travuling to Dubbl-in. Thay must have been inside trying on Skeezix's clowse or outside rolling arownd in Rocky's catmint.

We fownd owt owr lady drove by the "valley" exit but didn't stop to luk for Mao, Rocky and Trip. What what she thinking? How on eurth did she eggspect to give the turkie and giblets to owr frends!?!?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thursday Thurteen

Thirteen things we have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving:

  1. That we have eachothur to play with and cuddle with
  2. The yummy powches of fud evary morning and nite
  3. Grandma always ovur feeding us when she visits
  4. Owr lady letting us sleep with hur at nite so we can wake hur up at 4a.m.
  5. Owr cat tv whare we watch the dawgs go to the park to play like dorks
  6. Best innurnet frends who rite fun stuff of thare blogs and comment on owrs
  7. Best innurnet frends who hold amazingly cul contests
  8. ummmmm…the 50 pownds of catnip of corse!
  9. The leeky fawcit in the tub whare owr lady takes a showur
  10. Owr sense of smell so we know whare owr lady has been
  11. That rod thing with the courful mowsie with the long tale
  12. Owr lady understanding owr meow requests
  13. The fact that we are bowth healthy and happie!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Owr Tale Of Devoshun

We entured Skeezix’s grate Tale of Devoshun contest. Hear are snippits of owr entries. Be sure to check owt owr full entries and Vote Fur Us here.


Frum A Stray to an Easily Eggsitable, Luvabul, Furry Monstur
… met me and asked whare my littur box was. The student didn’t know I needed one! That’s when my lady said she wuld take me in…I was relieved (both liturally and figuratively)…
…My lady renamed me Rosie…aftur her gradma, my grate-grandma. The student named me “Phil” because I was so many culurs she said I luked “Phil”-thy. Sad but true, I like Rosie SOOO much bettur…


From a Ghetto Street Monstur to a Refined Destingwished Cat
…When my lady finalie saw me again, she was so happie, I thawt I’d half to call a plumber cause she was leeking frum her eyes with joy…
…Ovur the next cupple of weeks I fell in luv with my lady. She got rid of my cheese-balls (NOT CUL), tuk me to the V-E-T to get me a shot so I culd poop out the wurms that were eating my heart…

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tummy Licking Thursday!?!?!

Cheeto's having a hard time following the themes assosiated with the diffurent days of the week.

He thinks today is Tummy Licking Thursday...

I've lurned that when Cheeto has crazie's easier to just go with what he says and start licking yer tummy too! -Rosie

Monday, November 13, 2006

Tortie Tuesday is Rosie's Day

Is thare such a thing as Tortie Tuesday?!?! If so, I'm offishullie sharing pickturs of my beeeeutiful tortie fur and white striped tale.

Pleeze ignore the face to yer rite. Cheeto is NOT a tortie so he shuld not be the focus of my Tortie Tuesday post. Today is a me, me, me day! -Rosie

We still have faith that owr lady is gowing to make owr catnip grow. Cross yer paws!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Catnip Incomputunt

This is the second time owr grandma has sent ovur some “homegrown, do it yerself” catnip. As yoo know this is a vary big deal! Its like the ultimate treet and luk at what happuns after we wait and wait...

She claims shes tried and tried but it just wont grow beyond a cupple of sprowts. If yoo are in-clinned, biggify the picktur to see the disappointed luks on owr faces when we notice no progress has been made to owr catnip farm aftur a cupple of days.

Owr lady has been buying the ovur the cowntur nip to make up fur her "incomputunce" but its not the same….than again, we wuldn’t know what the “homegrown nip” is like cause weve nevur had any

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Furget all the elekshun winners….I’m the BIG winnur today!

The BIG Winner……is ME!!! I won the “I Luv The Two B’s” contest. Pleeze howl dyer applawse until I have had the opportunity to thank everyone…

Furst up, I’d like to thank my lady who helped me creeayte the “I Luv The Two B’s” postur. She has always supported my blogging habbit and feeds me all the stinkie yumminess I need.

Secondlie, Id like to thank my sistur Rosie. When she won Skeezix's “scariest costuum” fur her skunk owtfit ovur Halloween I new I had to one up hur and win a costest too…

Thurdlie, Id like to thank all the kitties that rite comments on my blog and the kitties who voted fur me and gave me the oppurtunitie to win this contest (Skeezers, Jake and Bathsheba, Beau Beau and Angie and Daisy Mae)!!

Forthlie, id like to thank Cecilia and Bubbles. Withowt them I wouldn’t have had a wonderful contest to entur. Keep up the grate contest

Fifthlie (and most importunt) Id like to thank Mrs. B….withowt hur and her beautiful face I wouldn’t have had the inspurashun to put up such a grate picktur!

This contest rocks! Thank yoo so much fur getting together the ultamate contest, Cecilia, Bubbles and Mrs. B **wink, wink**

Monday, November 06, 2006

Cats Can't Watch Doves

Weve been resurching the issues owr ladie is voting on to help edjucate her. Thare are many proposuls and if yer not careful and matikuluslie checking yoo nevur know what yoo mite miss.
Fur instance...

In the Mitten state (mishigun, whare owr grandparents live) thare's a proposul to establish "a mourning dove hunting season". Can yoo beleeve Mishigun kitties are NOT allowed to watch doves owt of the windows in the morning!?!

And whats more...owr lady is against this. She's denying us kitties owr rites to watch the doves!

Be sure to let yer persun leeve earlie tomorrow to vote.
Yer patriotic frends Rosie and Cheeto

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Owr lady dressed up like a berd, rite?!??!

Owr lady dressed up fur hall-o-wen. Her costuum was crazy cul. It came complete with Fev-vers and strings. Luk fur yerself!

We'd show yoo her face but this is OWR BLOG!

Next year, we want to be a fev-verry berd just like owr lady!!

p.s. Vote fur Cheeto (or anothur one of yer frends) in the
2b's contest!