Friday, September 05, 2008

Shoo's Come In Sizes?

Can yoo beleave it-we are one of the BIG winnurs of Skeezix's Snuzzy contest! We each get a Skeezix shoo of our vary own!! Oh My Cat!!

We wure watying fur them to arrive when our lady told us we need to tell Skeezix owr shoo size. Hmmm...We don't know how to meashure our feets.

Aftur some vary hard thinking I deturmined that my shoo size is 4 temptatshuns.

And I have desided I want to sit in my shoo while relaxing in my hammick so I lined up my treets and figured owt my shoo size is 27 1/2 temptayshuns.

We cant wayt to get owr 4 and 27 1/2 temptatshuns Skeezix shoo's. Thanks fur the awesume contest and the wondurful prizes yoo got fur all of the winnurs!!!


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Parker said...

I hope you have your sizes right - those shoes are the best!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Congratulations, RandC! You definitely deserve those shoes. But we think that the Temptations taste much better than shoes so you may want to give the Keds to your lady. Maybe you can make a deal that she can rent the shoes from you for xx number of Temptations. Congrats again!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh we are so jealous! The Woman just told the Man that she wants some Skeezy shoes for Christmas!

Daisy said...

Measuring for shoes is very hard. I am glad you came up with a scientific method so you will be sure to get the proper size!

Lux said...

Hehe, congratulations! I'm sure that you've both figured out your exact sizes because you're very smart.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Twenty-seven an' a half Temptations?!? That's more even than eleventy-squillion!!! I'm comin' over to your house for a snack!

Anonymous said...

"Wow" you two are so lucky those shoes are way cool :)

LZ said...

Those sizes sound about right. Congrats on winning!!


Ellen Whyte said...

Go for the bigger size! then when you put it out for Santa to be filled with Temptation at Christmas you'll get more!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

My choklit flavoured flapjack,you are so clever to werk out your shoo size. you will look very smart in them.
Purrrrrrrrrs furrom your hubby Eric

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