Friday, August 29, 2008

What's the Problum?

Yoo got a problum with my camera powse, Lady?

It's not too risskay--I'm covuring myself, aren't I!?!?


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Can't see why she'd have a problum, you are being very modest wiv yer paw struteejikkly placed like that.

Lone Star Purrs said...

Whoohoo!!! That's a furry man-catly pose!!
~Meeko & Kiara

Honey P. Sunshine said...


Gattina said...

Hahaha ! that's just a pose Arthur takes very often !

Parker said...

Smokin' hot!

Daisy said...

Heehee! I do not think I should look. But I peeked. Just a little.

Nomi said...

You are one hunky mancat !

Quasi said...

That picture could go in Playcat.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Hot! Hot! Hot!


Lux said...

Ha! That's a *great pose! :)

Anonymous said...

And right infront of the window too! Woohooo

Anonymous said...

Hate to brake it to yoo, dood, but that is not a vary dignifide poze.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Jus' chekin' to see if that strumpet Sadie wuz gonna be WOOHOOing yoo....