Monday, June 23, 2008

Mancat Monday- How to Art

If yoo find yerself luking fur a hobby to brake up the sleep, eat and take stinkies rootine I suggest yoo learn how to art. Here is a grate masterpeese of mine that I’ve spent 2 years develuping.

Notice the flowing angul of the wite boxspring linur flooowing against the floor? Yes, that is MY mancat masterpeese. If yoo wuld like an autograf I am availabul during non-sleep, food and stinkie werk hour frum aproximutlie 2-3 a.m.

Do yoo like to art? If so, do yoo have a masturpeese too?


Lux said...

Wow, what a great piece of artwork - you should be very proud! We're all working on our cat trees round the clock - they're becoming very, um, catalized.

Parker said...

Such a lovely piece of art! I think you have true talent!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Very impressive, Cheeto! I'm not that artistic, but our grandma had a Siamese kitty who did something like that under the whole bed. I think he used to hide in it before it collapsed on him.

We have been following your adventures in Chicago, but haven't had opportunities to comment much. It looks like a great place for you and Rosie.


Honey P. Sunshine said...

from a fellow artist, that iz fabulous!!

LZ said...

Oh that's so great!! Perhaps we should work together sometime. Though I have to say I'm more of a fast artist. This sort of work took me about a week to get where I wanted it. I'll have to tell that story soon.


Daisy said...

That is a good art!

My Mommie put a fitted sheet on the BOTTOM of the box springs so I cannot get into it.

Quasi said...

I'm very impressed with your existential art sensibilities and perfection of technique! Are your works exhibited anywhere?

Halloween said...

You are a genius to work late at night, Cheeto! What an inspiration! My People are going to fly into Shytown soon and then go to the Mitten State. They promised to wave to you when they fly by. Keep your eyes out for them!

Purrs, Halloween

Motor Home Cats said...

That is a great piece of art. We tried to do that with our Mom's box springs, but she ripped all the netting off.

We think you need to teach Faith Boo how to do that kind of artwork.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Nomi said...

You shud haf an exibitshun !

Anonymous said...

"Wow" Cheeto that's some great art your very talented :)

Boy said...

I think you're a gweat artist!