Sunday, July 13, 2008

How To Blend In - By Rosie

Most of the time its importunt to be the centur of evaryones yooneeverse, but sumtimes its kul just to blend in with the crowd.

To the peepul with bad vishun (or the baby kitties who are adapting to thare new eyeballs) this luks like a bunch of cans, but upon secund inspekshun yull see that one of theese cans is not like the othurs...

It's ME! Haha.
What's that? Yoo want anothur one? okay...
To the untrayned, inferrior eyeballs this luks like clothes in a box, but luk clowsly...

It's ME again! Haha.
Whats also kul is that this piktur shows off my 2 colured whiskurs (wite on my left and blak on my rite).


Lone Star Purrs said...

I gots two-colored whiskers too!!!
~Kiara (Meeko too)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You do blend in really well. Can you blend with the cat food too?

meemsnyc said...

Hehehhehe, how adorable you are hiding amongst the cans!

Halloween said...

Hi Rosie and Cheeto. My People were in Shytown over the weekend. They went to Wrigley Field on Saturday, where the Giants almost beat the Cubs. They waved to you in your penthouse place for me.

Purrs, Halloween

LZ said...

I have to say you fooled the Woman with that first one! She really didn't see you for a minute.


Beethoven said...

You did your camouflage well!

Nomi said...

I haf two tone wiskers too!! I haf white abofe my wight eye and black abofe my left eye. It looks like someone snipped em off but dey is dere.

Daisy said...

Rosie, you are doing such a good job blending in, I almost did not see you!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Both are you are so so cute~!!!
I love your whiskers~~

Quasi said...

That's totally cool to have multi-colored whiskers.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh my caramel shortcake you blended in so well I thought you weren't there. I think my ginger furrs would blend in well with you and that box.
Purrrs furrom your hubby furrom over the sea who can poop and eat again.I am about back to my full strength so will be able to teleport over to see you again.

Anonymous said...

Two color whiskers? That is so cool, Rosie!

Lux said...

You are very good at camouflaging yourself, Rosie!

Anonymous said...

Rosie your so pretty and blend in well :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I really like your whiskers,
Sometimes it is good to blend in, you are right



Icon Baxter Bentley said...

you have very nice camouflage furs!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Cocoa Puff has black an' white whiskers, too! That's furry cool, Rosie! You ARE the master of disguise hidin' in that cabinet an' that box. IF you hadn't said something, I'd have never known that you were in there!!!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

I can't read well...but one word I can read is "C.H.I.C.K.E.N" and I see that on one of the cans! A very good can to hide behind!!

Ellen Whyte said...

Stealth kitty strikes again!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Hi Rosie and Cheeto -

We haven't been able to blog in a long time because our computer has been broken--and it still needs something called more memory to work faster. It's very frustrating when your secretary won't keep the equipment up to date.

We're glad to SEE that you both are doing great in Chicago-once we could actually find and SEE you in your last two posts.


Jake and Bathsheba said...

Rosie and Cheeto -

You are taking a hiatus almost as long as ours! We hope all is well.

We finally made a new post. It's special. Come guess why and maybe win a prize.
