Once owr lady left we got party prepurashuns underway and invited everyone to come ovur. Lux, Daisy, Gemini, Grr, Midnite,
The originul plan was to lock owr cat nanny in the peeples littur box room so we didn’t have to be on owr best behavior…but she was sooo cul we didn’t half to do that! She played chase the fev-vur rod game, cleaned up when I (cheeto) blew chunks, and even got us a catnip candy bar. Owr cat nanny sent daily emails to owr lady letting hur know how gud we were, and we didn’t even have to bribe hur to say nice things with nip. But here’s the best part…she didn’t tattletale abowt the kitty krissmas bash!
If yoo get a cat nanny make sure she’s as cul as owrs…do yer research and make sure to get refurruls (these can also turn into dates with othur cats if yoo are smooth like Kismet on the fone), make sure yer cat nanny is curtufied and most importuntlie make sures shes not a tattletale!