Uh, it sounds like you need to cut back a little on your 'nipping, Cheeto. If you're too far gone, you might miss out on the presents this time of year. You need to stay alert so you can take in the toys & stuff!
Looks like yoo got some gud stuff theer. We had trubble yesterday doing comments too. hi Rosie my little sugar plum. I'll be ofurr to see yoo tomorrow if'n that's ok wiv yoo. Affekshunuttly yores Eric X X
Hi rosie I'm heer. Can I try a bit of Cheeto's nip befurr yoo show me the sites of San Fransisko. I've missed yoo an I want to giv yoo a big hug. luv Eric xx
ROSIE - I am a beeutiful tortese-shell kittie with a fancy white stripe on my tail. I was taken in by my lady who found me wandering around a Myami store entrance in 2001. I luv evaryone and purr a lot.
CHEETO- I am a handsum cinnamon colored guy who was hanging out on the streets of Myami in 2000. My lady played with me for about 8 weeks until I went missing. Turns out another lady tried to take me in but it didn't work out. It was then that my lady took me in her blu movable mashene, got me an operashion and took me in to luv and care for me. She said she never wanted me to leave her again! -Cheeto
Whoa, Dude. I have the same awesome nip effect. I can hardly read the word verification.
WE ARENT IGNORING YOO ALL...we can't comment on anyone's blog (eggsept owr own). Were sooooo upset. I duesnt recognize owr log-in!
You do look super-nipped.
I had trouble commenting earlier, too. I think effurycat did...
And for some reason my profile picture doesn't show up on comments. I don't like that.
A little nip is good for the soul, I think...
keep on trukkin', yeah. cool. hmmmm. anybuddy got the muncheez? Cheetos sownd good. Oh yah, now I can see the parkas and fevvers....trippin, man.
I do I do!!! I see the fev-vers! Nice....
i haf seen them too. I see them sirkling mommy's head and then i has to attak her hair to gets them out. - Sammy
Wow Dude! Did you get some good nip?
Uh, it sounds like you need to cut back a little on your 'nipping, Cheeto. If you're too far gone, you might miss out on the presents this time of year. You need to stay alert so you can take in the toys & stuff!
Aaahhwww nip.
Hee, hee. Way to go Cheeto!
Looks like yoo got some gud stuff theer.
We had trubble yesterday doing comments too.
hi Rosie my little sugar plum. I'll be ofurr to see yoo tomorrow if'n that's ok wiv yoo.
Affekshunuttly yores Eric X X
whoa - you look like our Lady's step-brother usually does.
"Wow" sounds like your tripping bad.
I thoughted they was purple fingies. Oh well. Maybe I needs glasses like Mommy.
Wow, Cheeto! Did you overdo it just a little bit?
Hi rosie I'm heer. Can I try a bit of Cheeto's nip befurr yoo show me the sites of San Fransisko. I've missed yoo an I want to giv yoo a big hug. luv Eric xx
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