Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Nevurending Sunspot

LOOK!!! I found the BESTEST Sunspot Ever!!!

It duzzen't go away day or nite and it's always vary vary warm!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a wonderful sunspot you have found my choklit chip cookie. It is so long since I have seen you and I am missing you my little sugared almond. Can I come and share your day and night sunspot with you?
Purrrrs furrom your lonely hubby over the sea.
Eric x x

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Now that could be a great sun spot--or as close as I'll be getting for awhile... sigh.

Parker said...

Hi Rosie! You're smart to find such a great heat source!

Gattina said...

Ah ! that's why you got brown !

Daisy said...

I likes to sit under the halogen light. It's toasty!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rosie,

Yes aren't lamps great.I always sun myself under the one in the livingroom.

I'm having a contest please go to my blog and see :)

Jake and Bathsheba said...

You're looking good in the limelight, er, sunspot, Rosie.


Jake and Bathsheba said...

Dear Rosie and Cheeto -

You are two of my oldest and dearest friends. I am very sick and will not live much longer, but I wanted to let you know how much your friendship has meant to me.


Honey P. Sunshine said...

i haf wun of those too

Skeezix the Cat said...

FYI, Jake went to the bridge

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We have a lamp just like that and we luvvr it too!

We also Love your Blog, and have a Love Ya! award waiting for you at our blog.

Teri and the cats of Furrydance

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Wow! I'm pretty sure I might have a sunspot kind of like that at my place. I'll go look right now ;)

Lux said...

What a great way to get sun - I'm going to have to look for one of those here!

meemsnyc said...

hehehehe, what an awesome "sun" spot.

Just Ducky said...

Mum turns the sunspot off at night.