It was a wild rode trip to visit gramma and grampa fur a cupple of days. We didn't get to drive, but we did get to be in charge of the flashy thing,. Here's what we saw...
Yoo can tell it’s fall cause the fall colur of oranje was evaryware!
Here’s whare the bares eat peepul and tendur yoong jyoosy cats like us. It’s called soldjeer feeld.
And this is whare the bares stay when they are not eating peepul and tendur yoong jyoosy cats.
Don’t wurry, we made sure to keep owt of site so thay didn’t get us. It was skarry.
When we knew it was safe to reappear rosie got up hi to take pickturs.
She saw the biggest, cat playgrownd EVER!
I reely wanted to stop at this exit cause we passed the yoo-kay whare myRootbeer float hubby Eric lives.
Cheeto wanted to get hi when he saw this kul gang.
Thay wure vary loud.
We wanted to stop at Paw Paw to get owr paws mannekurred, but owr lady said no.
Finallie we made it home to see gramma and grampa. We wure so eggsited that we furgot to take pickturs, so yoo just have to take owr wurd fur it when we say we wure vary eggsited!!!