Tuesday, May 06, 2008

An Offishul Introdukshun to Shytown

I am pleezed to annownce that we've finallie arrived at owr partment in Shy-town. Akchually it's not reely IN Shy-Town, its ON TOP of Shy-Town! Here I am exekuting my new Shy-Town MANcat dooty- protekting the whole city frum vishus deer. So far, I've skared them all away.
During my downtime (when I'm not on MANcat patrols) I watch owr cat-teevee. We defantlie have the delux-premeyum-platnum-exsklusive cabul package cause its got a squillion piktur-n-pukturs all at once! I also want to annownce that I am going to start a new series of posts to tell yoo what's new on the cat tee-vee. I want to call it "Detektive Cheeto Investugates" but my lady said "Peeping Cheeto Exposes All" is more appropriate.
What do yoo think I shuld call my new series?


Skeezix the Cat said...

WOWIE KAZOWIE!!!!! I love gitting hi, so I wood reely like to live in an apartmint in the sky like that!!!!! And whut a GRATE cat teevee!!!! I never ever sawed one as good as that!!! Has yer ladey bin to the four farthings pub yet or gino's eest? I think the FL wood like to moove to Shy town. But I think she needs to lern to be shy ferst.

How abowt "Mancat Moovey Matinays" with yer host, Cheeto!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful

6 cats from Singapore

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! That is some view.

LZ said...

I can't wait to see what's in store with the stuff on that incredible TV!!


Honey P. Sunshine said...

Detektive Cheeto Investugates

Daisy said...

You have a fantastic view! I think I would sit in the window all day if I had that view. I like "Peeping Cheeto Exposes All"! Hahahahahha!

Lux said...

Wow, you are high up there!!!

Both my beans used to live in that city. At different times.

Motor Home Cats said...

Mom has only been there on an airplane, or at a hotel. She hasn't seen anything there. We can't wait to see what you see.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Ivan from WMD said...

Look at the view you guys have! It must make you feel like birds!

Parker said...

Holy Cats! What a view! What a great TV!
You're moving on up just like the Jefferson's!
ps - I like your Mom's title!

Quasi said...

What terrific new digs. I hear that Shy-town is very cold in the winter. Be sure to grow your coat out extra-thick if you plan on staying.

Just Ducky said...

Welcome to the Midwest. I live north of you in Whiskerconsin.

You can see very far from your deluxed apartment.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

Happy Mothers Day to your mommakitty

Anonymous said...

Beautiful View...Happy mother's Day to your mom :)