Friday, May 25, 2007

Durty Clothes + SuteCase = . . .

Hmmm...what's going on?
Thare's usuallie cleen clothes in the sutecase...

We culdn't make it into the sutecase, but we did find owt Grandma luvs to majikly make durty clowse cleen again! Once again amazing us with hur majik powurs!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Peeple vs. Cat TeeVee

Peeple TeeVee

Sumetimes strange animuls visit us on the peeple teevee. These animuls (above) stopped by fur two howrs and left. They seem vary nice but I don't think thay blog.
Cat TeeVee

My Cat teevee has a lot of regulurs. Mostlie peeple and woofies. Thare's also a BIG wite moovabul mashene that eats peeple up and spits them owt. This mashene duesn't eat woofies, only peeple.
What's yer favurite TeeVee?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's Mr. Tasty Face Day!

It's Mr. Tasty Face Day
ok, it was yesturday...but isn't it evaryday!?!
Don't furget to hug yer Mr. Tasty Face today!.
Because we don't have a Mr. TF, we are honuring Skeezix's Mr. TF

Mr. Tasty Face and Skeezix are like ernie and bert,
He doesn't mind when skeezix hides in his shert,

His face is supur tasty,
And he cleans up skeezix's wastie,
He luvs Skeezurs just because,
That's why he shuld share rocky's nip and get a grate buzz!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

NASCAT Update - Selecting The Crew

Yoo may remembur my NASCAT Team frum earlier this year. I've got an update!
Check owt my new friends The ZOO CREW (Zoey, McKenzie, Gandalf, Smoke and Chewbacca). I've asked them to be part of my Pit crew. Rosie still wants to be the Crew Chief but I think this Zoo Crew wuld be cul with that!

Wow, this is going to be one grate NASCAT crew!! Be sure to stop by thare blog and cheer them on!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Seven Random Facts -We Were Tagged!

Wow, we've been tagged by Eric & Flynn, Ariel, Mrs. B, William and Jake & Bathsheba to provide yoo with seven randum facts.
1. If I wasn't here we'd starve. Every morning I meow until we get fed.
2.During my rode trip frum the mittun state to the sunny-shiney state, I only stopped screaming if my belly was lying against the lady.
3. I have a left eye cloud. It duesn't hurt, I just can't see purfectly.

4. My jetpak is ecofriendly so my visits to Eric don't ruin the eurth.
5. When the morning alarm goes off I make biscuits. It's a vary challenging job when the snooze buttun goes off a zillion times.
6. I'm a boxer and spar with Rosie...she doesn't like boxing. hehe
7. I like being bare furred. I whare a shurt fur one occashun only!

Ummm, we tag evaryone who hasn't been tagged!!! Is that yoo?!?!?!
Pee-Ess: Thanks fur baring with us and knowing that we will be supur active bloggurs soon!!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Whare Are We? Purrs and Headbutt Duties...

Hi evaryone! Jake and B'Sheba, thanks fur yer concern. Here's whare we have been...

A friend of Mr. Werk, Man Ager, got hitched the othur day. It must be a big deal opperashun cause Man Ager was avoiding Mr. Werk before and aftur "the hitch".

To make things werse our lady said Man Ager needs to fly far away fur a little while to a moon made of honey! That must be a vary sticky place to recovur frum "the hitch".

Long stories short (short like rosie's attenchun span -Cheeto) owr lady has been taking care of Mr. Werk while Man Ager is owt. Lately she's been coming home telling us abowt hur "fried brain". We like fried stuff but don't think hur brain is a gud thing to fry. We've been on strict Purrs and Headbutt duty at nite.

We'll try supur hard to break away frum owr P+HB duties and rite soon! In the meentime, check these crazy animuls owt...