Wure not sure what this "burble" thing is but we've been told it is a hairless kitteh-like mini-hyooman that's loud and makes lotsa stinkies. At furst we didn't like the idea but than we wure told that if we do a good job training it than the burble will drop noms and help us keep the hyoomans up all nite!
Here I am trying to communicate with the mini-hyooman burble. I think it has some ninja in him cause it's vary good at kicking.
What's also really cool are all the toys the hyoomans got fur us to make us feel better abowt having to put up with the burble.
Here Rosie is playing in the bouncer with the whackable toys...
And here is OWR new bed...
So hopefully this mini-hyooman burble will be trained right and learn to give us the squillions of noms that we deserve!
ooooo! Concats on your noo hoomanz burbulz, watever it be, if it haz they noms itz a good thing. You noo bed iz gorjush an Iz jelliez of all yer noo toyz too. Iz gonna be talkin to Herz abowt this sichewayshunz, mebbe wez can get one of they burbulz too.
We also want to say congratulations on the new addition to your family! Human kittens are OK, considering they are not cats (we might be prejudiced there) and if the cats set a good example, then it can grow up to be a happy human. We hope so!
I love your new bed. How lucky!
I hate to break it to you, but those toys and bed don't belong to you.-Ms. Squirrel
If having a Burble show up gets you extra toys & noms I say we all need Burbles in our houses!
Concats to everyone-this Burble is going to bring a lot of joy to all of your lives! ((HUGS))
<3 Lily
Concats on the new burble that the stork will be bringing.That is a lovely new bed and bouncer. You may even be generous enough to let the burble use it.
If they bring noms, I want a burble, too! - AbnerCat
How exciting!! Make sure you train dat Burple right from da start! put it in its place! hee hee love all ur new toys! *grins* haz fun!! xoxo
- Zackary
Oh that's exciting! Just think of all the fun toys you'll have to play with!!
These photos are all so wonderful. Love seeing you all so happy for the baby to arrive. We can tell. You are testing out all of the furniture to make sure it's comfy for them. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
World of Animals
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