Monday, May 17, 2010

Thare's A Woofie Monstur

Thare's something new and furry living in the SAME howse as us. We don't know what it is but we have accumyoolated some vary important clues:
1. It makes "mistakes" and pees IN the howse but NOT in the litturbox. How undignified!
2. It is furry like us and makes lowd woofie noises if we try to nom its foods.
3. It's name is "Yer A Good Boy, Rockford" cause it seems to respond to that.

We ignore "Yer A Good Boy, Rockford" but the Furry Rodent Shelby enjoys making contact with him. Here is the Furry Rodent "playing" with the Woofie Monster

And this video evidence was taken on the first day "Yer A Good Boy, Rockford" came to live with us. He was vary tired and sleeping so the Furry Rodent decided to investigate. Here's the yootube if yoo can't see it.

We have HIGH hopes that someday this Woofie Monstur will decide to eat the Furry Rodent. Until then, we will continue owr investigation as to what this THING is...


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Do you think he is fun to chase?

A few Good Cats said...

This woofie doesn't look much like a monster, but... be careful around him just the same.

The Island Cats said...

Oh no! We think that's a woofie!! We hope you can be furiends!

Katnip Lounge said...

Holy Cats! That might be one of Samy Meezer's Aliens! You must keep careful notes...

Pandafur said...

Shelby no! I senss danjer! That woofie monster culd be lotsa trubbuls. Make sure it stayz locked up soz you be safe.

Daisy said...

Well, he does not look very skerry... maybe he will be just like Tommy over at the Poupounette! He is one of the best dogs, ever!

blindmaximus said...

Hmm...from what I can tell (which isn't much, being blind and all) I think maybe the Woofie Monster is a new friend for the Furry Rodent to keep her busy so you guys can have your peace & quiet again?

meemsnyc said...

Oh my goodness! Rockford is absolutely adorable! So sweet!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Wow, brave Shelby! Hope the introductions go's some good links to info on introducing dogs and cats:

Parker said...

We have one of those too - they can come in handy.

Quasi said...

This is not good news. This monstur must be batted into submission daily.

Just Ducky said...

You got a woofie? Hope in times you gets to be furiends.

World of Animals, Inc said...

How exciting for you to have a woofie as a new friend. We hope the humans let you keep them. This is such a funny photo of you two. Thanks for the share. Have a great rest of your day.
World of Animals