Friday, April 30, 2010

It was a nice nite until....

Me and Rosie are best friends. Even though I am a FIERCE MANCAT there is still a teddie bare side to my purrsonalitie. I like to cuddle and to have my ears cleaned so I can hear bad peepul and protect my domain.

Here I am relaxing with my buddie Rosie when outta NO WHARE the furry rodent attacks! It's not vary good quality, but yoo can clearly see the feroshus attack.

If yoo are having trouble seeing the video here is the yootube link.


blindmaximus said...

*nods* Yes, we have two new-ish furry rodents at my house. For the first few days they were afraid of me (rightfully so!) but now they attack without any regard to the rules of engagement! Barbarians!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Sigh... furry rodents indeed...

Katnip Lounge said...

HA! The furry rodent made Mommy jump and squeal! The indignities we mature cats have to put up with.
xx Lounge Kats

Ivan from WMD said...


A few Good Cats said...

Oh, Shelby! You were mischievous sneaking up like that...

The Island Cats said...

Oh no! You was ambushed!!!

Daisy said...

Oh my goodness! Hahahaha! Do you think Shelby could be related to Harley?

Unknown said...

What a sneak attack from da furry rodent! u need to swat him down next time, dat will show him!

Honey P. Sunshine said...