Sunday, March 02, 2008

Take me to Temptayshuns, Showfurr

Here I am doing my MANCAT dooties-carefully inspecting fur vishus deer lurking the streets of San Francysko preparing to eat Rosie or my lady.
Look at what I found owtside…my OWN showfurr moovabul mashene waiting to take me whareevur I want to go.
Does anyone know how to get “owt thare” so I can tell my showfurr to take me on a rodetrip!?!


Jake and Bathsheba said...

Fellow Mancat Cheeto, I can't view your photos for some unknown reason.

My surefire way to get let out is to scratch and scratch on the full length mirror in Mom's room and threaten to pee somewhere outside the litter box. She then hops to it and lets me go outside! Works almost every time!


Anonymous said...

Darn I can't see the photos.Yet it's
very sweet of you to protect Rosie and your lady :)

Cecil the Cougar: said...

Cheeto, very good of you to inspect for vishus deer. I don't think I would have allowed the non-vishus gazelle into my house either. You never know if he is a spy pretending to be non-vishus.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Excellent, you have your own chauffer and car!

Daisy said...

Getting Outside is always a challenge! I would go Out every day if I could figure out how to work the door. Machine Paw sometimes works. But not always.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

I can see your pictures and that is one terrific taxi, or is it a limosine?

Tell your people you have to go on a road trip to see your friends. Maybe you could entise them to come along on the road trip and then they'd let you go. If you get to go, come on over to Albuquerque and I'll show all of you the sites.

LZ said...

Hmmm...I guess you could act real sick, like you need to go the the VET sick and then when she puts you in the PTU make sure the latch isn't hitched and then make a break for it when you get outside. But that might give your mom a heart attack so maybe don't try that.


Lux said...

I wish I did know, Cheeto - because I'd sure be doing it here!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

maybe you could ask your bean see if they could let you out~!
Good luck~!

I am so admiring you have your own car!

Boy said...

WOW! Your vewy own taxi!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

we haf not figured out how to open the outsidedoor yet, but will let you know when we do ~the FLuffy Tribe

Skeezix the Cat said...

Go to the telefone and press P and E and T and T and A and X and I and then give em yer adress and maybey the pet taxi man will come to yer howse and open the door and take yoo fur a ride.... and then tell him to go to Castro Valley to the howse by the big forest next to Mr Tinydiks! And we'll PAW-TAY!!!

Halloween said...

Hey Cheeto, next time the machine comes, just call me up or email me and I will tell you how to get outside and come and visit me in Bernal Heights! Then we can make the machine take us to visit Beezer on Sutter Street! I'll bring the nip. Sort of like those wine tours the beans take!

Your city pal, Halloween

Parker said...

Did you get a ride?