Sunday, January 20, 2008

Monday Mancat Dooties - Obsurving Fur Trubble

As a mancat I watch everything that goes on in the apartmunt.
This is a grate lokashun cause its hi up whare the fud gets surved and yoo can be on the lukowt fur trubble.
If the cold place with yummy milk trys to eat yer purson…
yer ready to pownce.
If the watur spitter feroshuslie squirts yer purson…
yer ready to pownce.
If a vishus deer attaks yer purson frum behind…
yer ready to pownce.
These are all responsublies yoo need to prepare for in ordur to keep your position as ManCat of the howse.


Gattina said...

You got it ! Sitting on the top of everything and watching down to what happens is a favourite "jump" for my cats too ! We call them "flying cats", lol

Parker said...

A great vantage point for a great Mancat!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! I wish I had such an excellent vantage point!

Daisy said...

Cheeto, I can tell you take your Mancat duties seriously!

Anonymous said...

Great work at keeping your human safe.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is neat!
Always pick the best spot to watch over, well done!

The Furry Kids said...

That's a great lookout spot!

The Crew said...

Cheeto, how did you get up there without knocking down those leaf thingys?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a very mancatly place to do yer dooties furrom. It's furry high. How'd yoo git up there?