As yoo can see frum my eggspresshun, I am not happy with the lack of blogging owr lady is purrmitting us to do.
Rosie and I are between a catnip-rock and a hard cat-skratchur space with owr feelings
We're happie...
because owr lady has been vary busy cheeting on hur boyfrend, Mr. Werk, and inturviewing several diffuruent peepul to be the man-purson of the howse.
We're upset...
because the inturview process is eggstremelie intense. She always seems to be busy putting paint on hur face and using that lowd blowing thing on hur long head-fur at nite. Then, when she's done doing that silly stuff....she leeves fur the man-purson interview.
She's got a cupple man-peepul to chose frum. We hope she picks a cul man-purson soon!!
Male humans are highly over rated. She should be happier with you all! Humph. That's my opinion, not the Woman's. Sigh. Humans.
We're so glad to see you again, Cheeto--we were getting worried about you and Rosie.
That interview process sounds very intense. At what point do you and Rosie become involved in the selection? Do you have veto power?
P.S. from Bathsheba: you look extra handsome there, Cheeto--why would your lady need a man-person when she has a good-looking Man Cat?
I'm so glad to here you to are okay.
Happy man hunting to your mom :)
I hope you approve of the man she picks! Men can be OK, but only if they are good to kitties and to your Mom!
I think it is OK to cheat on Mr. Werk, because he is not very romantic. I hope your mom finds the perfect man-person for her!
I hope this your mom finds a new Mr. Werk and he's much better. This will also mean more toys and treats for you!
Maybey yoo shood hold a contest and have all yer frends help pik the rite man persun for the job! Cuz yoo shood have a big say in hoo the new man persun gits to be!!!
here are some qualifications we recommend:
#1 - must really really really love kitties and be willing to sacrifice anything for their happiness and well-being.
#2 - should own a catnip plantation.
Oh, good luck to your mom!
Thanks for coming to my party! Great guesses. Round up and announcement will be Thursday.
Yoo haf to tell yer Lady that it's yoo two who haf to do the choosing.
Cats are allus rite.
Hello to my rasberry creme broolay Rosie. Love yoo.
Eric x x
The interviewing does sound really intense, especially all the face painting and hair blowing stuff.
Do you have any say so in this process?
Cheeto, you don't look very happy in that picture.
I hope you guys get a vote in the man person selection process.
make sure she brings the man'bean by for yer approval before any final decisions, that is furry impawtant ~the Fluffy Tribe
Pick da one who brings you treats!
You are invited to come over for mine 14th purrthday party! Come have a wook at the invitation at mine bwoggy!
Rosie my dubble choklit chip muffin yoo hafn't postid furr two weeks. I miss yoo . Yoo haf to tell yer Lady that it's not good enuff.
Yer efurr loving Eric x x
Oh gosh, I hope our Mommy don't do dat. She looks silly wif paint on her face. Yours prolly looks fine tho. Innerview stuff is a hassle anyways. I hope yall get a cool male person soon tho, insteada all this innerviewin.
Sanjee and the gang
Happy Thanksgiving to your fambly! Eat as much (burp!) turkey as you can manage!
DMM and the Feline Americans
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