Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Wild Wednesday - Ode to Jake and Bathsheba!

Today we are giving a well desurved wild wednesday ode to two of owr bestest frends, Jake and Bathsheba. If yer here at owr blog than yoo defunatelie have time to stop by thares rite now!

Oh, it seems like yer still reeding. Well then we'll have to subjeckt yoo to subliminul messaging...







Sunday, October 21, 2007

What's Wrong With Relaxing?

Grampa saw this picktur and told my lady he needs to talk to me abowt sleeping appropriyatlie.

I dont undurstand what he's talking abowt. I was JUST relaxing!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

An Eye Fur An Eye-Helping Mr. Compyootur See

We did evarything we culd to cheer up mr. compyootur this week. We evun tried to act depressud...or dead...just like him, but it didn't werk.

Yesturday, an IT V-E-T came in to assess mr. compyootur's grave condishun. Turns owt he was depressed because he couldn’t see very gud. The IT V-E-T pursun gave him an intensive skreening check up and gave him new monitur glasses to see bettur! Mr. compyootur is brite and happie now and so are we cause we can visit owr innurnet frends again!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

It Luks Fine To Us...

Owr lady said a lot of sware werds yesturday. she got mad at mr. compyutur akkqusing it of getting into a crash.

It luke fine to us, no bumps or wires hanging owt anywhare. The only thing is that owr lady must have scared it a lot cause its no longur talking to anyone.

We reely reely hope it stops being skared and starts tawking again cause we miss heering what all of owr bestest friends are up too!