Sunday, April 01, 2007

I’m Confused -Cheeto

Evary morning fur the past week I (Cheeto) have been making biscuits on my ladys bak when the alarm goes off. My lady calls me hur pursonul cat masuss and pushes snooze at leest two times evary morning. It’s soooo relaxing and I’ve made so many biscuits that I’m considering opuning my own biscuit shop!

This morning I got a little carried away and confused my lady fur my reel mommy. I gently started biting at my lady’s arm luking fur…well, yoo know **blush**.

My lady had a talk with me this afternoon and said she LUVS the morning bak massages but duesn’t think I shuld do them anymore. She said sumthing abowt confusing hur fur my reel mommy not being a gud idea...

Queshtun From Cheeto
Have yoo evur done anything like that to yer peeple befour? I’m soo embarrassed!

Sekret Note Frum Rosie
My lady asked me to quietly ask yoo if yer beans have any advice on how to deel with this sitchuashun? She luvs Cheeto and is starting to wurry his needy (and kneedy) behavior is cause fur concurn.

Aftur yoo comment on Cheeto's sitchuashun be sure to stop by Rascal's place and wish him a happy sevunth burthday!!! Aftur that, stop by Parker's place and wish his sisturs Puff and Powder happy burthday too! Wow, what grate burthday celebrashuns!


Anonymous said...

We don't think that there is much you can do about the real mom confusion. Our mom had a cat a long time ago that did that, and he nver stopped doing it...He would try to suck on her hair when he did it...We don't know if we should say "ewwwe, gross," or "poor baby."

Anonymous said...

My mommie had a cat that liked making biscuits and sucking also on skin and hair.
She says that if you discourage him from it... he may forget about it.. or he may act out!!!? in another way.. maybe pee somewhere. depends on how you manage it... mom thinks maybe slowly "wean" him from the behavior.

Happy April 1st :-)


Daisy said...

I love to knead too! When I was a baby I used to try to suck on my Mommie's neck, but she made me stop that. Now, I knead on her arm and I just put my face real close. Sometimes I drool a little too.

Kismet said...

Whenever I make biskits on my Person, I always end up humping. At first she was REAL worried about it, but after she talked to the nice man who introduced us, and he told her it is normal, she felt better. I think making biskits just leads to bad things. But I still hump my Person every night. I don't think it's a big deal if you are trying to nurse on your lady!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

We wouldn't think it's cause for any real concern, but our mom has only seen that behavior in kittens, especially ones that were taken too early from their cat moms. Just tell your lady to give Cheeto lots of love and divert him from the behavior. Good luck.


The Fluffy Tribe said...

Tell yer Mom to get you a yard of the soft fake fur material at the hoby shop and then you can make biscuits wif that and nurse too and it will satisfy yer need. When our mom was little she had a cat that nefer grew out of that and they got him a "blankie mom" of fake fur. The short soft fake fur. ~Poiland Tribe

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I don't think that makin' biscuits on your mom is a bad thing 'cuz Sparky Fuzzypants makes biscuits on Mom all of the time. He likes to cuddle and will make biscuits on Mom's blanket or Mom's arm just to get more attention ... And Sparky's almost 9 years old. It's just his thing ... He even makes "invisabiscuits" in the air to get attention.

Rascal said...

Can't say I've ever done that. Kneading and drooling, yes. The other thing, no.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Wow -- it was kismet that you and I blogged about the same thing on the same day.

Remember that kitty, Scout, whose picture we posted awhile ago? WELL -- she makes biscuits AND sucks on an earlobe... it's true.

Looks like your mom's got lots of good ideas here for helping you to stop making biscuits. The woman just says, "knock it off Pearl" when she wants me to quit. But why would they want us to quit?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I'm sorry that I don't have any advice for you. I've never made biscuits. I guess I'm just not good at kneading! It looks like you've received lots of great advice from other cats though!

Anonymous said...

We have had cats in the past who have kneaded and sucked. When we asked our vet about it, he said it was nothing to worry about. It just meant that they were very relaxed and are very comfortable. 2 of the cats were siamese (and the vet says siamese tend to do it for a longer period of time). One we trained to use a "hanky," and the other one used our sheltie dog, until she went over the rainbow bridge and then he switched to my hair (I know it sounds gross, but I was 12 at the time). We have one now who is a grey tabby, and he uses a cotton thermal blanket, and it seems to be a stress reliever. He is afraid of everyone, but when he starts to knead and suck, he visibly relaxes. I wouldn't be overly concerned - I just think it means he feels very safe with you.

Tara (not the cat)


I do the love paws on Momma all the time. I also give love paws to my favorite blankie too. Mom did sum readin and found out like someone said it is juss a way we comfort ourselves. IT's a gud fink. It goes back to when we wuz wee little ones and we wood do it to our real Mom's belly furrs sum food. We always remember how gud it felt to be next to a warming purring body.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I haf to admit that I'm adiktid to kneading too. I like tummies when the Beans are on the sofa, and when they go to bed, I haf to knead theer heds.I hafn't tried ennyfing else apart furrom biting theer noses when theer neerly asleep. Rosie my sweetest one, I hope this duzn't put yoo off me.

Anonymous said...

When I first got Ariel she would make biscuits on my back while sucking my hair.It was difficult weaning her from this behavior.What I did at first was gave her stuffed toy with make believe fur so she had something to bond with instead of me.After about a month she tried of the toy and I threw it away.

Parker said...

Good suggestions so I won't add any more. But thanks for sending kitties over to wish my sisters a happy birthday! They had a nice time!
Purrs (with no biscuits!)

=^..^= said...

My Foster Mommy says that making biskits and suckling are all purrfectly normal behaviour fur kitties who were either abandoned or orphaned at a furry young age.

I haf a brofur who suckles on his own nipples! My Foster Mommy had to explain to his 'dopted parents that it is normal. But to help discourage it, they cud putted some bitter liquid on the areas he sucks on. The unpurrleasant taste will make him NOT want to suck on those areas anymore.

You can read more about my brofur's case here!


The Meezers or Billy said...

we doesn't fink there is anyfing wrong wif it - like the ofurrs haf saided, it's normal behavior and sometimes kitties who was taken from their mommies early do it to comfort themselves. don't be embarassed Cheeto.

The Crew said...

This is nothing to worry about, Cheeto. Lot of cats do it and it just means you're exhibiting some kittenish behavior, like kneading & nursing from your catmom. It just means you're happy & relaxed.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

A lot of good responses here!
I agree that it shows you are relaxed, feel safe and secure, and are happy :)

LZ said...

Maestro used to do that to the Woman. Yup...she loved the massage and then he latched on. I would just say push him away when he does it and it will stop. Latte does it to Kaze sometimes and I just kind of ignore it because he doesn't really understand....


LZ said...

Oh....and I lick lick lick nuzzle, make biscuits and purr a lot on the people's necks. Its harmless...I'm just pretending I'm a kitten.


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

I think it's anything to worry about. I've been kneading Scarfie since I found it on my couch when I was still only two. I don't suckle Scarfie, though. Squeak suckles and kneads the sheepie-skin on the chair at the computer. Maybe it's just something about spring?

Jake and Bathsheba said...

R&C, we've tagged you for a meme that DaisyMae Maus sent us. Come see our blog for details.


Anonymous said...

I like to curl up on the Lady's lap and knead on her tummy while licking her shirt, preferably in the area of"chest", but I never bite - just lick. At night I sometimes try to lick and chew her hair, but she won't let me do this because when I've swallowed some hair in the past, I've had "string of poop" issues.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Hi Cheeto and Rosie!
We had to stop by and meet you after seeing you on DaisyMae's blog because we just loved your names so much. :-)
Now, that we're here, our mommy wants to chime in and is so enjoying the discussion on making biscuits (but we call it "baking bread" or "making na-na's"). She thinks it's totally normal and just means we're happy. She doesn't think you should be concerned. Ollie also chews on mommy's hair and wakes her up in the morning. Sometimes this can get annoying (when it's two hours early for example or a weekend day) but she likes to have me so close to her so sometimes it's worth it. Even know we're kittens, mommy says our big brother, Bingo (who crossed the bridge last summer before we had a chance to meet him) baked bread all the time and he was 18!
Anyway, great to meet you!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh our Merlin still does that, he nurses the humans arms. He was a rescue kitty and abused and probably taken from his mama too soon. TeaCup and Zed did for a while but they were just spoiled.

It's a security thing for some kitty cats. Purrs