OMC! We got mail from owr
Bestest friend Skeezix! His lady’s Boobies are walking a looooong distance with a bunch of othur boobies. Bekause she suks at fundraising we stole owr lady’s plastik card and donated and WON a random boobie donation drawing!
It came with a beeeeutiful pink ensembul from the man in bloo shorts…

And it had a frisbee to distract the woofie monstur from eating us…

And then us boyz tried on the boxurs with the tale hole
I musta gotten fat ovurnite cause my attempt was a lost cawse…

The Furry Rodent faired a littul bettur but he prefurred to go commando in the end…

Rosie wore hur faaaaabyoolous owtfit she got from skeezix! As yoo can see she luks Raaaavishing. Sadlie this was taken before she got hur boa and shades on…

Than Rosie got vary distrakted when she saw the BONER BLANKIE…

Unforchunatelie the blankie quicklie became ovur populated by the furry rodent…

But once she reklaimed the boner blankie she drooled all ovur it as yoo can see frum this video to make sure the furry rodent knew it was ROSIE'S TURF!!
THANK YOO SOOOOO MUCH SKEEZIX & YER FOOD LADY’S BOOBIES!! Here’s the link to donate to Skeezix’s Food Lady’s Boobie walk: wure sorry haven’t been blogging latelie. We’ve gotten into twittur whare we tweet several times a day. Here's owr twitter page: